I said I might blog again today, but it's late at night and two shows later so I will keep this one short.
I was completely wrong about lunch. It turned out to be a few sandwiches which had gone by the time I said hello and made it to the buffet. Plus, it is Antony Jay, not Peter. But his name doesn't have an 'h' in it. I checked the programme. He is a delightful, gentle man with a ready wit and a very generous nature, thanking all the actors and shaking them warmly by the hand. He blamed the audiences rather than the actors for the lukewarm reception we got the other night and it seems that my theory about it being the fault of the actors may be wrong. Only maybe, though. Both today's shows were lovely. Very warm reception from both audiences and sharp, in control performances all round.
I look forward to the rest of the week!
To bed now. I am getting up first thing to go the the Roman baths in Bath (best place for them with a detailed and specific name like that!) where I look forward to steam rooms with plunge pools and swimming in a very hot, open air pool. I will have to visit M&S for a pair of swimming shorts though. No, hang on, I have a pair in my car that I use to clean the windows. Do you think they will pass muster? Oh, come on? A new pair will set me back at least twenty quid. It's just a bit of windowleen. I'm sure they've had worse?
In the meantime I shall leave you with a few shots of Bath, including the beautiful new shopping centre and some brass hand prints that I found in a courtyard near the theatre. They are the hand prints and signatures of the late, great Paul Eddington and Nigel Hawthorn, the reason we are doing this tour in the first place.
(PS Paul Eddington's son is a chippy at the New Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich and a charming, shy, intelligent man he is too)
The Royal Crescent from my private helicopter |
The Bath and Avon canal - I presume |
The new shopping centre |
The Baths |
The Theatre Royal |
Stage Door |
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